A Typical Preschool Day
虽然我们确实提供了一个结构化和一致的学习计划, 我们也保持足够的灵活性,允许自发的学习时刻. 随着生活中各种事件的自然展开,我们将注意力转移到课程中.
- Convenient, safe drop-off (7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.).
- 学校从早上的广播开始(星条旗), Morning prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, 背诵OLOL的彩乐园应用下载和学校公告,如生日和活动.).
- Circle time, alphabet, numbers, weather, calendar, show-and-tell, music and dance, arts and crafts, sharing time.
- Outdoor/gross motor activity.
- Nutritious snacks with story time.
- 学习中心(这些中心不断变化和发展,以配合发展阶段).
- Lunch Time in the classroom.
- Indoor Activity.
- School day ends with afternoon prayer and announcements.
- Convenient, safe pick-up (2:45 p.m. -3:00 p.m.).